New Work: ‘Tactician’
The human psyche presents an endlessly fascinating landscape. Those who know my work well know this is my favourite conceptual fodder. I […]

Art Lovers Australia Prize Winner
ALA Prize 2021 Winner: 'Provocateur' by Lix North. "I'm drawn to narrative works, especially those with attention to detail, so Lix's painting caught my eye, and my interest. I was immediately intrigued. I'm fascinated by self-portraiture too as a genre, and there was something alluring in the contrived yet challenging image." - Susies Muddiman (ALA Prize Judge)

New Work: Lux ex Tenebris
I’m now in the final stages of preparation for my upcoming exhibition Lux ex Tenebris (Light from the Darkness). I’m feeling super positive about […]

Lethbridge 10000 Art Award Category Winner
I’m stoked to announce that my painting ‘Vanitas or Valhalla (Barbarian Selfie)’ is a Category Winner in the 2016 Lethbridge 10000 Small Scale […]