Portia Geach Opening

I feel so very grateful to have been part of this incredible show! The Portia Geach 2018 finalist exhibition opening was just ridiculously awesome.
So good to catch up with some of my dearest artist friends and finally meet some special Instagram friends in real life. The calibre of the work in this year’s award was unreal and hanging alongside a number of my favourite artists was just mind-blowing. It turns out I was right – the Portia Geach Memorial Award is an extraordinary thing to be a part of. I’ve never experienced such a genuinely open, supportive vibe and such a strong feeling of mutual respect, admiration and camaraderie at an opening or award event before.
A huge thank you to all at S.H. Ervin Gallery and to everyone who made the night so special – notably @james_north, @joannabraithwaite, @neilfrazerartist, @kathrinlonghurst, @carlosbob, @jane_guthleben, @jeska_valk, @jessica_leclerc, @raelene_sharp_artist. Huge congratulations to @zoeoliviayoung for taking out the major prize. Female artists #gettingitdone on so many levels. What a wonderful night, what inspiring work, what beautiful people.
If you’re in Sydney, or will be visiting Sydney during the next couple of months get a long and see the show at S H Ervin Gallery, Sydney, Oct 12 – Dec 2. It won’t disappoint. [Get directions to the gallery >>]
While I was in Sydney for the Portia Geach event I was so happy to able to visit and spend a little time with two of my very favourite artist friends.
These two extraordinary artists and exemplary humans are a huge part of the reason I persisted with this strange, wonderful, mind-bending, soul-shaking, frustrating, fulfilling and utterly incomparable vocation. The kindness and encouragement they showed a young nobody from a backwater art school in small town New Zealand 20 years ago helped instil in me a level of self-belief that has kept me on this path through thick and thin. @NeilFrazerArtist and @JoannaBraithwaite never fail to inspire and any time spent with them both is food for the soul.
If you don’t follow these two already, do it now. They are amazing.
And if all that crazy goodness wasn’t enough for one 48hr period, serendipitously James and I managed to catch up with the gorgeous @KathrinLonghurst again the following night back in Queensland.
This woman is an absolute tour de force. To finally see her work in the flesh after following her for so long in the digital realm was an incendiary experience. You are just so damn inspiring Kathrin and one of the loveliest people I’ve ever met to boot. After hanging alongside you at the Portia Geach, seeing your stunning show at Gallery One on the Gold Coast was the cherry on the top of an awesome couple of days.
Thanks so much to you and the wonderful Gallery One team for including late-comers James and I in such a special opening celebration and possibly the most hilarious and wonderful meal I’ve ever had! #Shoutout to @shogunjapaneserestaurant – you guys are crazy fabulous!
THIS EXHIBITION IS A MUST SEE. Wherever you are in Sth East QLD, whatever the drive, it’s absolutely worth it to see this profound and exquisitely painted work up close. Get there… Kathrin Longhurst: ’Ode to Femme’, October 12 to 31, @Gallery One, Southport [Get Directions to the gallery >>]